About Us
CONCERT FOR CAUSE is an intimate private home concert setting designed to showcase notable groups and charitable organizations paired with exquisite chamber music experiences for the audience. Each organization is unique and special in its own way. We aim to create an opportunity for the founders of these organizations to connect with a wider audience with 100% of proceeds going directly to the beneficiaries. Music being the bridge that brings people together, Concert for Cause aims to empower each organization and share in their efforts to resolve current humanitarian issues. We believe in the goodness and kindness within every one of us. With the power of music as our tool, we aspire to awaken the philanthropic hearts, to create a legacy of giving, and to make a difference, one concert at a time.

Romer Quartet supporting St. Jude School, Tanzania
Our Story
In the Spring of 2012, clarinetist Seunghee Lee "Sunny" started an afternoon tea home-concert series titled Concert for Cause. By opening the floor for the founders of local grassroots charities to share their stories and mission statements to invited friends and neighbors, and following it up with exquisite chamber music experience over coffee and tea, Ms. Lee created a wonderful pathway to combine her musical skills and bringing likeminded people together, to awaken the goodness and the philanthropic hearts inside everyone. Music being the bridge that connects us, Ms. Lee strives to channel her passion for social justice by shining a light on those in need and bring awareness to current humanitarian issues. Through the wholehearted Concert for Cause experience, she hopes for everyone to foster a civic mindset by transforming our hearts to create a legacy of giving and to make a positive daily impact in our communities and around the world.

Quin Sq speaking about ANA by Karma
Partners & Affiliates
Do you have a worthy cause you are passionate about? Would you like to partner with Concert for Cause to bring goodness and joy to those in need? Please write to us and let's look into it together. We are ready to hear your story with open minds and hearts.